Public Disclaimer and Waivers of Responsibility


Public Disclaimer

This site is for entertainment purposes only, and no person under the age of 18 is permitted to use our services (or to provide services on the Platform). We make no representations or warranties (express or implied) with respect to: accuracy, relevance or quality of information and do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused in regard to any information and /or any suggestion(s) advice provided to you through this site by anyone, or as a result of your use of this site/service, regardless of whether resulting from negligence, accident, or any other cause whatsoever. The contents of a spiritual consultation or psychic reading are not legally binding.  Any decisions made, or resulting actions taken by you after a reading are your sole responsibility.

In no event shall REALM Spiritual Advisors, or AnahParreli and Associates, Site Owner, partners Affiliates or members be liable for any special incidental, indirect or consequential damages or losses, or other consequences of client decisions after or based upon the consultations they have received of any kind arising out of or in connection with advice provided by any of the advisors and /or the material derived from the REALM Spiritual Advisors website. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your reading/ consultation will take place

Any discussions pertaining to medical or legal matters is for general and entertainment information purposes only. Any advice provided by our psychic advisors does not constitute medical or legal advice which should be sought from a qualified medical or legal professional, and all clients are directed to refer to the medical professionals if they have concerns around their health.  In proceeding with services from APA you agree to the terms above and release APA, including its owners, partners, affiliates and members from all liabilities, legal claims and expenses that may result both directly and indirectly from any and all services performed. APA reserves the right to change these conditions at any time without notice. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS POLICY AS PART OF YOUR TERMS OF USE YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS SITE!

Waiver of Responsibility:

The Customer has agreed in their Terms of Use to exonerate REALM Admin and their Consultants if the Customer chooses to deviate from good common sense and creates unsavoury circumstances for themselves. REALM has put in place Compliance Measures with Consultants where they are informed that she is to NEVER TELL A person what they should or should not do, and if they are found to have exploited a customer or given fear-based messages they run the risk of Membership revocation. Additionally, if the Customer utilises the services of a consultant, they have connected with on the REALM platform elsewhere in a different setting, this will result in the revocation of membership for both the Customer and Consultants as a breach of their conditions of use of the REALM platform. The Customer agrees that REALM has no capacity to conduct Quality Assurance and compliance actions by the Consultant  in a different setting. If the Customer is dissatisfied with a service provided by a consultant – they will leave a feedback review on the Consultant's profile after the service has been received. There is no facility to leave Feedback about the Consultant from another platform space.

MEDICAL AND Health Waiver of Responsibility.

This website may contain general information about various medical or mental health conditions and treatment options. This Content is intended for informational purposes only and not as a replacement or substitutional for appropriately qualified professionals. REALM and their Consultants are not attorneys, accountants, lawyers, medical treating professionals, mental health professionals, nutritionists, mechanics, or dietitians. Additionally, any Consultants on the REALM platform who have trained in these areas are not represented by REALM as professionally qualified because REALM is an international platform and cannot guarantee professional standards and training. People should consult with the appropriate professional before taking any actions or new regimes, mainly because there may be underlying and undiagnosed health conditions. Using the information available on this website (or provided by consultants) is done so at the Customers' own risk and their discretion and sole responsibility. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS POLICY AS PART OF YOUR TERMS OF USE YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS SITE!


Information provided through our Services, on the Sites, and in other REALM Spiritual Advisor’s materials, including, but not limited to, information provided in newsletters, horoscopes, and Readings, is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLYInformation from the Business of REALM Spiritual Advisors or its affiliates or their employees or contractors, including, but not limited to, the readers, is not intended to be a substitute for any professional advice, including, but not limited to, (a) professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, (b) professional financial or investment advice or guidance, or (c) professional legal advice. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or other professional advice because of something you have read on the Sites or information received through our Services. The Business is not engaged in the practice of medicine or law and does not recommend or endorse any specific products, procedures, treatments, medications, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned, discussed, or described on the Sites or in REALM Spiritual Advisors materials or through our ServicesREALM Spiritual Advisors is not engaged in the business of providing financial or investment advice and its employees and contractors are not registered financial advisors. Your reliance on the information provided by the REALM Spiritual Advisors or , by a REALM Spiritual Advisors Employee or contractor, by a third party moderator, by REALM Spiritual Advisors sponsors, or by other users of the Sites or Services is solely at your own election or choice. Any and all decisions that you make that are based in whole or in part upon information provided by REALM Spiritual Advisors, its employees, its contractors, or its sponsors, or otherwise available on the Siteswill be your sole and exclusive responsibility. Associated Policies: Public Disclaimer, Waiver of Responsibility, Medical/Professional Waiver of Responsibility.