
REALM is the outcome of many years of planning and preparation by people with lived experience of both metaphysical and energy service delivery, as well as mainstream social work and mental health work expertise. Management recognised that both the customers and the platform workers were being exploited, and that often there was no quality control. The REALM concept is underpinned by respect for both the Customer and Platform Workers. Customers are offered as much quality assurance as the industry allows, and Platform Workers are supported to conduct their business in ways that support them to sustain a work/life balance.

REALM endeavours to keep the running costs low, to ensure that our Platform Workers receive more of the money they earn, and thereby reduce costs to our Customer base. All of our workers have been screened to ensure good character, and intention, who have a collective conscience and who have chosen to use their gifts to help others. Our Platform workers have a range of expertise from Spiritual coaching, metaphysical gifts, or Life coaching and a range of Qualifications.

“Wisdom that is not used for the greater good of mankind, is wisdom wasted” ~ Helena P. Blavatsky. 

  • 100% confidentiality and protection of client identity
  • Safe and secure website environment
  • Rigorous consultant selection process
  • Excellent value for money

As a privately held company, our responsibility is to both the seeker and the Consultant, to ensure that all persons remain feeling valued, and happy. We are concerned that all people feel respected and happy to be part of the experience here, and aim to redress any concerns speedily! Blessings!

You can read more about our Vision and Mission by clicking here.