How It Works


Getting Started is Easy!



Personalised REALM Space, where you can access and update:

Your account infromation.

Transaction and call history inc.......

Personalised REALM Space, where you can access and update:

Your account infromation.

Transaction and call history including any refunds or credits.

View feedback you have left, and add favourites.

You also have a personalised toolbox so you can remain current on REALM policies and Terms of Use,

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The Wallet is the place where you can Add Funds, or Check Your Balance before connecting to one of our.......

The Wallet is the place where you can Add Funds, or Check Your Balance before connecting to one of our Consultants.

You do not need to fund your wallet when joining REALM.

The wallet minimum is listed at the top of your wallet icon.

**REALM uses an independent third Payment Gateway.

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Find Your Consultant Advisor

1. PSYCHIC FAYRE: All consultants listed with availabiltiy, location, services provided (audio, video or chat). Rates ar.......

1. PSYCHIC FAYRE: All consultants listed with availabiltiy, location, services provided (audio, video or chat). Rates are shown in the psychic fayre.

1a) Filter Option:Sort using the filter to view the types of Advisor services you prefer.

1b) View More:  Click on the link to the view the Psychic biography: Click view more to visit the consultant profile and see their skills and learn about them and their expertise.

2. Pick your advisor and calculate/estimate how much your call will cost, based on the consultant Rate.

3. Fund your Wallet.


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Connect with Your Consultant

Connect with your Consultant Advisor once you have funded your wallet.

1. Revisit the Psychic Fayre


Connect with your Consultant Advisor once you have funded your wallet.

1. Revisit the Psychic Fayre

2. Find your preferred Consultant Profile.

3. When their status light is green - CLICK on the service icon you wish to use, (Phone Video or Chat)..

4. If the consultant is available and able to take your call the call will connect and you wil be redirected to a chatroom built into our platform to protect your privacy and confidentiality.

5. When you hang up unused funds remain in your wallet nad you may have to top up to meet the minimum Wallet balance.

6. Calls are disconnected when your wallet balance is used.

7. Do not over fund your wallet.

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Start your REALM Journey!

FREE MEMBERSHIP!  No need to fund your wallet to join! You only pay for what you use!. You can access content and information for free. REALM is collaborative and inclusive, and designed to be customer responsive. Take a look at what we offer our Customers! Start your REALM journey today! (NOTE: To ensure that you can speak with your chosen consultant - please view the tutorial, you will have to mark realm as a 'safe site' and allow audio, video and popup windows.Password MUST be a minimum of 7 (seven) keys - either alpha or numeric.



REALM is an Australian registered Business. People under the age of 18 are 'minors' and under the age of consent. Consumer protection laws bind Australian businesses, and minors are deemed to require 'protection' from any harmful practice. While REALM attempts to retain a service of integrity, realistically, on a global platform, there may be people of questionable intent who slip through our screening processes from time to time. While we have mechanisms for reporting Consultant misconduct, it would not be considered acceptable to 'open the door' to exploiting vulnerable younger people.

REALM has done everything within its power to secure the privacy and content of the Platform. Our website designers have put hours upon hours into trying to foolproof it from hacking. However, nothing online is guaranteed; consequently, REALM has chosen to minimise the amount of personal information we hold about a person online.
We don't save and share a customer's financial information; this is between the Customer and the payment gateway. For consultants, we do (as part of our legal obligations) retain the information for payments to the Customer and their business details. Details such as email and contact are shared only for business functions. Australian law says personal files and facts must be kept in a locked cabinet (paper copies). Other information is retained on a password-protected secure drive. When we redirect to a third party to conclude Business in the course of Business, we encourage you to read the third party privacy and confidentiality statements.
 Regarding personal disclosures around Conflict of Interest (such as the disclosure of criminal convictions), this information is retained on a separate database with restricted access and held private for risk assessment and risk management purposes. Other measures we take is the deidentification of personal nformation on line, discouraging public use of private name, and the personal photos.

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